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Version: 0.6.12

swcli project



The project command includes the following subcommands:

  • create(add, new)
  • info
  • list(ls)
  • recover
  • remove(ls)
  • use(select)

swcli project create​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] project create <PROJECT>

project create creates a new project.

PROJECT is a project URI.

swcli project info​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] project info [OPTIONS] <PROJECT>

project info outputs detailed information about the specified Starwhale Project.

PROJECT is a project URI.

swcli project list​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] project list [OPTIONS]

project list shows all Starwhale Projects.

--instanceNStringThe URI of the instance to list. If this option is omitted, use the default instance.
--show-removedNBooleanFalseIf true, include projects that are removed but not garbage collected.
--pageNInteger1The starting page number. Server and cloud instances only.
--sizeNInteger20The number of items in one page. Server and cloud instances only.

swcli project recover​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] project recover [OPTIONS] <PROJECT>

project recover recovers previously removed Starwhale Projects.

PROJECT is a project URI.

Garbage-collected Starwhale Projects can not be recovered, as well as those are removed with the --force option.

swcli project remove​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] project remove [OPTIONS] <PROJECT>

project remove removes the specified Starwhale Project.

PROJECT is a project URI.

Removed Starwhale Projects can be recovered by swcli project recover before garbage collection. Use the --force option to persistently remove a Starwhale Project.

Removed Starwhale Project can be listed by swcli project list --show-removed.

--force or -fNBooleanFalseIf true, persistently delete the Starwhale Project. It can not be recovered.

swcli project use​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] project use <PROJECT>

project use make the specified project default. You must login at first to use a project on a Server/Cloud instance.