Contribute to Starwhale
Getting Involved/Contributing
We welcome and encourage all contributions to Starwhale, including and not limited to:
- Describe the problems encountered during use.
- Submit feature request.
- Discuss in Slack and Github Issues.
- Code Review.
- Improve docs, tutorials and examples.
- Fix Bug.
- Add Test Case.
- Code readability and code comments to import readability.
- Develop new features.
- Write enhancement proposal.
You can get involved, get updates and contact Starwhale developers in the following ways:
Starwhale Resources
- Homepage
- Starwhale Cloud
- Official docs
- Github Repo
- Github Docs Repo
- Python Package
- Docker Image:Docker Hub,, Starwhale Hosted
- Helm Charts
Code Structure
- client: swcli and Python SDK with Pure Python3, which includes all Standalone Instance features.
- console: frontend with React + TypeScript.
- server:Starwhale Controller with java, which includes all Starwhale Cloud Instance backend apis.
- docker:Helm Charts, dockerfile.
- docs:Starwhale官方文档。
- example:Example code.
- scripts:Bash and Python scripts for E2E testing and software releases, etc.
Fork and clone the repository
You will need to fork the code of Starwhale repository and clone it to your local machine.
Fork Starwhale repository: Fork Starwhale Github Repo,For more usage details, please refer to: Fork a repo
Install Git-LFS:Git-LFS
git lfs install
Clone code to local machine
git clone${your username}/starwhale.git
Development environment for Standalone Instance
Standalone Instance is written in Python3. When you want to modify swcli and sdk, you need to build the development environment.
Standalone development environment prerequisites
- OS: Linux or macOS
- Python: 3.7~3.11
- Docker: >=19.03(optional)
- Python isolated env tools:Python venv, virtualenv or conda, etc
Building from source code
Based on the previous step, clone to the local directory: starwhale, and enter the client subdirectory:
cd starwhale/client
Create an isolated python environment with conda:
conda create -n starwhale-dev python=3.8 -y
conda activate starwhale-dev
Install client package and python dependencies into the starwhale-dev environment:
make install-sw
make install-dev-req
Validate with the swcli --version
command. In the development environment, the version is 0.0.0.dev0
❯ swcli --version
swcli, version 0.0.0.dev0
❯ swcli --version
Modifying the code
When you modify the code, you need not to install python package(run make install-sw
command) again. .editorconfig will be imported into the most IDE and code editors which helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers.
Lint and Test
Run unit test, E2E test, mypy lint, flake lint and isort check in the starwhale
make client-all-check
Development environment for Cloud Instance
Cloud Instance is written in Java(backend) and React+TypeScript(frontend).
Development environment for Console
Development environment for Server
- Language: Java
- Build tool: Maven
- Development framework: Spring Boot+Mybatis
- Unit test framework:Junit5
- Mockito used for mocking
- Hamcrest used for assertion
- Testcontainers used for providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers that can run in a Docker container.
- Check style tool:use maven-checkstyle-plugin
Server development environment prerequisites
- OS: Linux, macOS or Windows
- Docker: >=19.03
- JDK: >=11
- Maven: >=3.8.1
- Mysql: >=8.0.29
- Minio
- Kubernetes cluster/Minikube(If you don't have a k8s cluster, you can use Minikube as an alternative for development and debugging)
Modify the code and add unit tests
Now you can enter the corresponding module to modify and adjust the code on the server side. The main business code directory is src/main/java, and the unit test directory is src/test/java.
Execute code check and run unit tests
cd starwhale/server
mvn clean test
Deploy the server at local machine
Dependent services that need to be deployed
Minikube(Optional. Minikube can be used when there is no k8s cluster, there is the installation doc: Minikube)
minikube start
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable ingress-dnsMysql
docker run --name sw-mysql -d \
-p 3306:3306 \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=starwhale \
-e MYSQL_USER=starwhale \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=starwhale \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=starwhale \
docker run --name minio -d \
-p 9000:9000 --publish 9001:9001 \
-e MINIO_DEFAULT_BUCKETS='starwhale' \
-e MINIO_ROOT_USER="minioadmin" \
-e MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="minioadmin" \
Package server program
If you need to deploy the front-end at the same time when deploying the server, you can execute the build command of the front-end part first, and then execute 'mvn clean package', and the compiled front-end files will be automatically packaged.
Use the following command to package the program
cd starwhale/server
mvn clean packageSpecify the environment required for server startup
# Minio env
export SW_STORAGE_ENDPOINT=http://${Minio IP,default is:}:9000
export SW_STORAGE_BUCKET=${Minio bucket,default is:starwhale}
export SW_STORAGE_ACCESSKEY=${Minio accessKey,default is:starwhale}
export SW_STORAGE_SECRETKEY=${Minio secretKey,default is:starwhale}
export SW_STORAGE_REGION=${Minio region,default is:local}
# kubernetes env
export KUBECONFIG=${the '.kube' file path}\.kube\config
export SW_INSTANCE_URI=http://${Server IP}:8082
export SW_METADATA_STORAGE_IP=${Mysql IP,default:}
export SW_METADATA_STORAGE_PORT=${Mysql port,default: 3306}
export SW_METADATA_STORAGE_DB=${Mysql dbname,default: starwhale}
export SW_METADATA_STORAGE_USER=${Mysql user,default: starwhale}
export SW_METADATA_STORAGE_PASSWORD=${user password,default: starwhale}Deploy server service
You can use the IDE or the command to deploy.
java -jar controller/target/starwhale-controller-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
there are two ways to debug the modified function:
- Use swagger-ui for interface debugging, visit /swagger-ui/index.html to find the corresponding api
- Debug the corresponding function directly in the ui (provided that the front-end code has been built in advance according to the instructions when packaging)