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Version: 0.6.11

Starwhale Model Evaluation SDK


The @evaluation.predict decorator defines the inference process in the Starwhale Model Evaluation, similar to the map phase in MapReduce. It contains the following core features:

  • On the Server instance, require the resources needed to run.
  • Automatically read the local or remote datasets, and pass the data in the datasets one by one or in batches to the function decorated by evaluation.predict.
  • By the replicas setting, implement distributed dataset consumption to horizontally scale and shorten the time required for the model evaluation tasks.
  • Automatically store the return values of the function and the input features of the dataset into the results table, for display in the Web UI and further use in the evaluate phase.
  • The decorated function is called once for each single piece of data or each batch, to complete the inference process.


  • resources: (dict, optional)
    • Defines the resources required by each predict task when running on the Server instance, including memory, cpu, and
    • memory: The unit is Bytes, int and float types are supported.
      • Supports setting request and limit as a dictionary, e.g. resources={"memory": {"request": 100 * 1024, "limit": 200 * 1024}}.
      • If only a single number is set, the Python SDK will automatically set request and limit to the same value, e.g. resources={"memory": 100 * 1024} is equivalent to resources={"memory": {"request": 100 * 1024, "limit": 100 * 1024}}.
    • cpu: The unit is the number of CPU cores, int and float types are supported.
      • Supports setting request and limit as a dictionary, e.g. resources={"cpu": {"request": 1, "limit": 2}}.
      • If only a single number is set, the SDK will automatically set request and limit to the same value, e.g. resources={"cpu": 1.5} is equivalent to resources={"cpu": {"request": 1.5, "limit": 1.5}}.
    • The unit is the number of GPUs, int type is supported.
      • does not support setting request and limit, only a single number is supported.
    • Note: The resources parameter currently only takes effect on the Server instances. For the Cloud instances, the same can be achieved by selecting the corresponding resource pool when submitting the evaluation task. Standalone instances do not support this feature at all.
  • replicas: (int, optional)
    • The number of replicas to run predict.
    • predict defines a Step, in which there are multiple equivalent Tasks. Each Task runs on a Pod in Cloud/Server instances, and a Thread in Standalone instances.
    • When multiple replicas are specified, they are equivalent and will jointly consume the selected dataset to achieve distributed dataset consumption. It can be understood that a row in the dataset will only be read by one predict replica.
    • The default is 1.
  • batch_size: (int, optional)
    • Batch size for passing data from the dataset into the function.
    • The default is 1.
  • fail_on_error: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to interrupt the entire model evaluation when the decorated function throws an exception. If you expect some "exceptional" data to cause evaluation failures but don't want to interrupt the overall evaluation, you can set fail_on_error=False.
    • The default is True.
  • auto_log: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to automatically log the return values of the function and the input features of the dataset to the results table.
    • The default is True.
  • log_mode: (str, optional)
    • When auto_log=True, you can set log_mode to define logging the return values in plain or pickle format.
    • The default is pickle.
  • log_dataset_features: (List[str], optional)
    • When auto_log=True, you can selectively log certain features from the dataset via this parameter.
    • By default, all features will be logged.
  • needs: (List[Callable], optional)
    • Defines the prerequisites for this task to run, can use the needs syntax to implement DAG.
    • needs accepts functions decorated by @evaluation.predict, @evaluation.evaluate, and @handler.
    • The default is empty, i.e. does not depend on any other tasks.


The decorated functions need to define some input parameters to accept dataset data, etc. They contain the following patterns:

  • data:

    • data is a dict type that can read the features of the dataset.
    • When batch_size=1 or batch_size is not set, the label feature can be read through data['label'] or data.label.
    • When batch_size is set to > 1, data is a list.
    from starwhale import evaluation

    def predict(data):
  • data + external:

    • data is a dict type that can read the features of the dataset.
    • external is also a dict, including: index, index_with_dataset, dataset_info, context and dataset_uri keys. The attributes can be used for the further fine-grained processing.
      • index: The index of the dataset row.
      • index_with_dataset: The index with the dataset info.
      • dataset_info: starwhale.core.dataset.tabular.TabularDatasetInfo Class.
      • context: starwhale.Context Class.
      • dataset_uri: starwhale.nase.uri.resource.Resource Class.
    from starwhale import evaluation

    def predict(data, external):
  • data + **kw:

    • data is a dict type that can read the features of the dataset.
    • kw is a dict that contains external.
    from starwhale import evaluation

    def predict(data, **kw):
  • *args + **kwargs:

    • The first argument of args list is data.
    from starwhale import evaluation

    def predict(*args, **kw):
  • **kwargs:

    from starwhale import evaluation

    def predict(**kw):
  • *args:

    • *args does not contain external.
    from starwhale import evaluation

    def predict(*args):


from starwhale import evaluation

def predict_image(data):

def predict_batch_images(batch_data)

resources={"": 1,
"cpu": {"request": 1, "limit": 2},
"memory": 200 * 1024}, # 200MB
def predict_with_resources(data):

log_dataset_features=["txt", "img", "label"],
def predict_with_selected_features(data):


@evaluation.evaluate is a decorator that defines the evaluation process in the Starwhale Model evaluation, similar to the reduce phase in MapReduce. It contains the following core features:

  • On the Server instance, apply for the resources.
  • Read the data recorded in the results table automatically during the predict phase, and pass it into the function as an iterator.
  • The evaluate phase will only run one replica, and cannot define the replicas parameter like the predict phase.


  • resources: (dict, optional)
    • Consistent with the resources parameter definition in @evaluation.predict.
  • needs: (List[Callable], optional)
    • Consistent with the needs parameter definition in @evaluation.predict.
    • In the common case, it will depend on a function decorated by @evaluation.predict.
  • use_predict_auto_log: (bool, optional)
    • Defaults to True, passes an iterator that can traverse the predict results to the function.


  • When use_predict_auto_log=True (default), pass an iterator that can traverse the predict results into the function.
    • The iterated object is a dictionary containing two keys: output and input.
      • output is the element returned by the predict stage function.
      • input is the features of the corresponding dataset during the inference process, which is a dictionary type.
  • When use_predict_auto_log=False, do not pass any parameters into the function.


from starwhale import evaluation

def evaluate_results(predict_result_iter):

def evaluate_results():

class Evaluation​

starwhale.Evaluation implements the abstraction for Starwhale Model Evaluation, and can perform operations like logging and scanning for Model Evaluation on Standalone/Server/Cloud instances, to record and retrieve metrics.


__init__ function initializes Evaluation object.

class Evaluation
def __init__(self, id: str, project: Project | str) -> None:


  • id: (str, required)
    • The UUID of Model Evaluation that is generated by Starwhale automatically.
  • project: (Project|str, required)
    • Project object or Project URI str.


from starwhale import Evaluation

standalone_e = Evaluation("fcd1206bf1694fce8053724861c7874c", project="self")
server_e = Evaluation("fcd1206bf1694fce8053724861c7874c", project="cloud://server/project/starwhale:starwhale")
cloud_e = Evaluation("2ddab20df9e9430dbd73853d773a9ff6", project="")


from_context is a classmethod that obtains the Evaluation object under the current Context. from_context can only take effect under the task runtime environment. Calling this method in a non-task runtime environment will raise a RuntimeError exception, indicating that the Starwhale Context has not been properly set.

def from_context(cls) -> Evaluation:


from starwhale import Evaluation

with Evaluation.from_context() as e:
e.log("label/1", 1, {"loss": 0.99, "accuracy": 0.98})


log is a method that logs evaluation metrics to a specific table, which can then be viewed on the Server/Cloud instance's web page or through the scan method.

def log(
self, category: str, id: t.Union[str, int], metrics: t.Dict[str, t.Any]
) -> None:


  • category: (str, required)
    • The category of the logged metrics, which will be used as the suffix of the Starwhale Datastore table name.
    • Each category corresponds to a Starwhale Datastore table. These tables will be isolated by the evaluation task ID and will not affect each other.
  • id: (str|int, required)
    • The ID of the logged record, unique within the table.
    • For the same table, only str or int can be used as the ID type.
  • metrics: (dict, required)
    • A dict to log metrics in key-value format.
    • Keys are of str type.
    • Values can be constant types like int, float, str, bytes, bool, or compound types like tuple, list, dict. It also supports logging Artifacts types like Starwhale.Image, Starwhale.Video, Starwhale.Audio, Starwhale.Text, Starwhale.Binary.
      • When the value contains dict type, the Starwhale SDK will automatically flatten the dict for better visualization and metric comparison.
      • For example, if metrics is {"test": {"loss": 0.99, "prob": [0.98,0.99]}, "image": [Image, Image]}, it will be stored as {"test/loss": 0.99, "test/prob": [0.98, 0.99], "image/0": Image, "image/1": Image} after flattening.


from starwhale import Evaluation

evaluation_store = Evaluation.from_context()

evaluation_store.log("label/1", 1, {"loss": 0.99, "accuracy": 0.98})
evaluation_store.log("ppl", "1", {"a": "test", "b": 1})


scan is a method that returns an iterator for reading data from certain model evaluation tables.

def scan(
category: str,
start: t.Any = None,
end: t.Any = None,
keep_none: bool = False,
end_inclusive: bool = False,
) -> t.Iterator:


  • category: (str, required)
    • Same meaning as the category parameter in the log method.
  • start: (Any, optional)
    • Start key, if not specified, start from the first data item in the table.
  • end: (Any, optional)
    • End key, if not specified, iterate to the end of the table.
  • keep_none: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to return columns with None values, not returned by default.
  • end_inclusive: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to include the row corresponding to end, not included by default.


from starwhale import Evaluation

evaluation_store = Evaluation(id="2ddab20df9e9430dbd73853d773a9ff6", project="")
results = [data for data in evaluation_store.scan("label/0")]


flush is a method that can immediately flush the metrics logged by the log method to the datastore and oss storage. If the flush method is not called, Evaluation will automatically flush data to storage when it is finally closed.

def flush(self, category: str, artifacts_flush: bool = True) -> None


  • category: (str, required)
    • Same meaning as the category parameter in the log method.
  • artifacts_flush: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to dump artifact data to blob files and upload them to related storage. Default is True.


log_result is a method that logs evaluation metrics to the results table, equivalent to calling the log method with category set to results. The results table is generally used to store inference results. By default, @starwhale.predict will store the return value of the decorated function in the results table, you can also manually store using log_results.

def log_result(self, id: t.Union[str, int], metrics: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> None:


  • id: (str|int, required)
    • The ID of the record, unique within the results table.
    • For the results table, only str or int can be used as the ID type.
  • metrics: (dict, required)
    • Same definition as the metrics parameter in the log method.


from starwhale import Evaluation

evaluation_store = Evaluation(id="2ddab20df9e9430dbd73853d773a9ff6", project="self")
evaluation_store.log_result(1, {"loss": 0.99, "accuracy": 0.98})
evaluation_store.log_result(2, {"loss": 0.98, "accuracy": 0.99})


scan_results is a method that returns an iterator for reading data from the results table.

def scan_results(
start: t.Any = None,
end: t.Any = None,
keep_none: bool = False,
end_inclusive: bool = False,
) -> t.Iterator:


  • start: (Any, optional)
    • Start key, if not specified, start from the first data item in the table.
    • Same definition as the start parameter in the scan method.
  • end: (Any, optional)
    • End key, if not specified, iterate to the end of the table.
    • Same definition as the end parameter in the scan method.
  • keep_none: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to return columns with None values, not returned by default.
    • Same definition as the keep_none parameter in the scan method.
  • end_inclusive: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to include the row corresponding to end, not included by default.
    • Same definition as the end_inclusive parameter in the scan method.


from starwhale import Evaluation

evaluation_store = Evaluation(id="2ddab20df9e9430dbd73853d773a9ff6", project="self")

evaluation_store.log_result(1, {"loss": 0.99, "accuracy": 0.98})
evaluation_store.log_result(2, {"loss": 0.98, "accuracy": 0.99})
results = [data for data in evaluation_store.scan_results()]


flush_results is a method that can immediately flush the metrics logged by the log_results method to the datastore and oss storage. If the flush_results method is not called, Evaluation will automatically flush data to storage when it is finally closed.

def flush_results(self, artifacts_flush: bool = True) -> None:


  • artifacts_flush: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to dump artifact data to blob files and upload them to related storage. Default is True.
    • Same definition as the artifacts_flush parameter in the flush method.


log_summary is a method that logs certain metrics to the summary table. The evaluation page on Server/Cloud instances displays data from the summary table.

Each time it is called, Starwhale will automatically update with the unique ID of this evaluation as the row ID of the table. This function can be called multiple times during one evaluation to update different columns.

Each project has one summary table. All evaluation tasks under that project will write summary information to this table for easy comparison between evaluations of different models.

def log_summary(self, *args: t.Any, **kw: t.Any) -> None:

Same as log method, log_summary will automatically flatten the dict.


from starwhale import Evaluation

evaluation_store = Evaluation(id="2ddab20df9e9430dbd73853d773a9ff6", project="")

evaluation_store.log_summary(loss=0.99, accuracy=0.99)
evaluation_store.log_summary({"loss": 0.99, "accuracy": 0.99})


get_summary is a method that returns the information logged by log_summary.

def get_summary(self) -> t.Dict:


flush_summary is a method that can immediately flush the metrics logged by the log_summary method to the datastore and oss storage. If the flush_results method is not called, Evaluation will automatically flush data to storage when it is finally closed.

def flush_summary(self, artifacts_flush: bool = True) -> None:


  • artifacts_flush: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to dump artifact data to blob files and upload them to related storage. Default is True.
    • Same definition as the artifacts_flush parameter in the flush method.


flush_all is a method that can immediately flush the metrics logged by log, log_results, log_summary methods to the datastore and oss storage. If the flush_all method is not called, Evaluation will automatically flush data to storage when it is finally closed.

def flush_all(self, artifacts_flush: bool = True) -> None:


  • artifacts_flush: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to dump artifact data to blob files and upload them to related storage. Default is True.
    • Same definition as the artifacts_flush parameter in the flush method.


get_tables is a method that returns the names of all tables generated during model evaluation. Note that this function does not return the summary table name.

def get_tables(self) -> t.List[str]:


close is a method to close the Evaluation object. close will automatically flush data to storage when called. Evaluation also implements __enter__ and __exit__ methods, which can simplify manual close calls using with syntax.

def close(self) -> None:


from starwhale import Evaluation

evaluation_store = Evaluation(id="2ddab20df9e9430dbd73853d773a9ff6", project="")

# auto close when the with-context exits.
with Evaluation.from_context() as e:


@handler is a decorator that provides the following functionalities:

  • On a Server instance, it requests the required resources to run.
  • It can control the number of replicas.
  • Multiple handlers can form a DAG through dependency relationships to control the execution workflow.
  • It can expose ports externally to run like a web handler.

@fine_tune, @evaluation.predict and @evaluation.evalute can be considered applications of @handler in the certain specific areas. @handler is the underlying implementation of these decorators and is more fundamental and flexible.

def handler(
resources: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = None,
replicas: int = 1,
needs: t.Optional[t.List[t.Callable]] = None,
name: str = "",
expose: int = 0,
require_dataset: bool = False,
) -> t.Callable:


  • resources: (dict, optional)
    • Consistent with the resources parameter definition in @evaluation.predict.
  • needs: (List[Callable], optional)
    • Consistent with the needs parameter definition in @evaluation.predict.
  • replicas: (int, optional)
    • Consistent with the replicas parameter definition in @evaluation.predict.
  • name: (str, optional)
    • The name displayed for the handler.
    • If not specified, use the decorated function's name.
  • expose: (int, optional)
    • The port exposed externally. When running a web handler, the exposed port needs to be declared.
    • The default is 0, meaning no port is exposed.
    • Currently only one port can be exposed.
  • require_dataset: (bool, optional)
    • Defines whether this handler requires a dataset when running.
    • If required_dataset=True, the user is required to input a dataset when creating an evaluation task on the Server/Cloud instance web page. If required_dataset=False, the user does not need to specify a dataset on the web page.
    • The default is False.


from starwhale import handler
import gradio

@handler(resources={"cpu": 1, "": 1}, replicas=3)
def my_handler():

def my_another_handler():

def chatbot():
with gradio.Blocks() as server:
server.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860)


fine_tune is a decorator that defines the fine-tuning process for model training.

Some restrictions and usage suggestions:

  • fine_tune has only one replica.
  • fine_tune requires dataset input.
  • Generally, the dataset is obtained through Context.get_runtime_context() at the start of fine_tune.
  • Generally, at the end of fine_tune, the fine-tuned Starwhale model package is generated through, which will be automatically copied to the corresponding evaluation project.


  • resources: (dict, optional)
    • Consistent with the resources parameter definition in @evaluation.predict.
  • needs: (List[Callable], optional)
    • Consistent with the needs parameter definition in @evaluation.predict.


from starwhale import model as starwhale_model
from starwhale import fine_tune, Context

@fine_tune(resources={"": 1})
def llama_fine_tuning():
ctx = Context.get_runtime_context()

if len(ctx.dataset_uris) == 2:
# TODO: use more graceful way to get train and eval dataset
train_dataset = dataset(ctx.dataset_uris[0], readonly=True, create="forbid")
eval_dataset = dataset(ctx.dataset_uris[1], readonly=True, create="forbid")
elif len(ctx.dataset_uris) == 1:
train_dataset = dataset(ctx.dataset_uris[0], readonly=True, create="forbid")
eval_dataset = None
raise ValueError("Only support 1 or 2 datasets(train and eval dataset) for now")

#user training code

model_name = get_model_name()"llama-{model_name}-qlora-ft")


The @multi_classification decorator uses the sklearn lib to analyze results for multi-classification problems, outputting the confusion matrix, ROC, AUC etc., and writing them to related tables in the Starwhale Datastore.

When using it, certain requirements are placed on the return value of the decorated function, which should be (label, result) or (label, result, probability_matrix).

def multi_classification(
confusion_matrix_normalize: str = "all",
show_hamming_loss: bool = True,
show_cohen_kappa_score: bool = True,
show_roc_auc: bool = True,
all_labels: t.Optional[t.List[t.Any]] = None,
) -> t.Any:


  • confusion_matrix_normalize: (str, optional)
    • Accepts three parameters:
      • true: rows
      • pred: columns
      • all: rows+columns
  • show_hamming_loss: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to calculate the Hamming loss.
    • The default is True.
  • show_cohen_kappa_score: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to calculate the Cohen kappa score.
    • The default is True.
  • show_roc_auc: (bool, optional)
    • Whether to calculate ROC/AUC. To calculate, the function needs to return a (label, result, probability_matrix) tuple, otherwise a (label, result) tuple is sufficient.
    • The default is True.
  • all_labels: (List, optional)
    • Defines all the labels.


all_labels=[i for i in range(0, 10)],
def evaluate(ppl_result) -> t.Tuple[t.List[int], t.List[int], t.List[t.List[float]]]:
label, result, probability_matrix = [], [], []
return label, result, probability_matrix

all_labels=[i for i in range(0, 10)],
def evaluate(ppl_result) -> t.Tuple[t.List[int], t.List[int], t.List[t.List[float]]]:
label, result = [], [], []
return label, result


The PipelineHandler class provides a default model evaluation workflow definition that requires users to implement the predict and evaluate functions.

The PipelineHandler is equivalent to using the @evaluation.predict and @evaluation.evaluate decorators together - the usage looks different but the underlying model evaluation process is the same.

Note that PipelineHandler currently does not support defining resources parameters.

Users need to implement the following functions:

  • predict: Defines the inference process, equivalent to a function decorated with @evaluation.predict.

  • evaluate: Defines the evaluation process, equivalent to a function decorated with @evaluation.evaluate.

from typing import Any, Iterator
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class PipelineHandler(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(
predict_batch_size: int = 1,
ignore_error: bool = False,
predict_auto_log: bool = True,
predict_log_mode: str = PredictLogMode.PICKLE.value,
predict_log_dataset_features: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None,
**kwargs: t.Any,
) -> None:
self.context = Context.get_runtime_context()

def predict(self, data: Any, **kw: Any) -> Any:
raise NotImplementedError

def evaluate(self, ppl_result: Iterator) -> Any
raise NotImplementedError


  • predict_batch_size: (int, optional)
    • Equivalent to the batch_size parameter in @evaluation.predict.
    • Default is 1.
  • ignore_error: (bool, optional)
    • Equivalent to the fail_on_error parameter in @evaluation.predict.
    • Default is False.
  • predict_auto_log: (bool, optional)
    • Equivalent to the auto_log parameter in @evaluation.predict.
    • Default is True.
  • predict_log_mode: (str, optional)
    • Equivalent to the log_mode parameter in @evaluation.predict.
    • Default is pickle.
  • predict_log_dataset_features: (bool, optional)
    • Equivalent to the log_dataset_features parameter in @evaluation.predict.
    • Default is None, which records all features. Decorator​

The decorator can be used to describe resources for the predict and evaluate methods, supporting definitions of replicas and resources:

  • The decorator can only decorate predict and evaluate methods in subclasses inheriting from PipelineHandler.
  • The predict method can set the replicas parameter. The replicas value for the evaluate method is always 1.
  • The resources parameter is defined and used in the same way as the resources parameter in @evaluation.predict or @evaluation.evaluate.
  • The decorator is optional.
  • The decorator only takes effect on Server and Cloud instances, not Standalone instances that don't support resource definition.
def run(
cls, resources: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = None, replicas: int = 1
) -> t.Callable:


import typing as t

import torch
from starwhale import PipelineHandler

class Example(PipelineHandler):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
self.model = self._load_model(self.device), resources={"memory": 1 * 1024 * 1024 *1024, "": 1}) # 1G Memory, 1 GPU
def predict(self, data: t.Dict):
data_tensor = self._pre(data.img)
output = self.model(data_tensor)
return self._post(output){"memory": 1 * 1024 * 1024 *1024}) # 1G Memory
def evaluate(self, ppl_result):
result, label, pr = [], [], []
for _data in ppl_result:
return label, result, pr

def _pre(self, input: Image) -> torch.Tensor:

def _post(self, input):

def _load_model(self, device):


The context information passed during model evaluation, including Project, Task ID, etc. The Context content is automatically injected and can be used in the following ways:

  • Inherit the PipelineHandler class and use the self.context object.
  • Get it through Context.get_runtime_context().

Note that Context can only be used during model evaluation, otherwise the program will throw an exception.

Currently Context can get the following values:

  • project: str
    • Project name.
  • version: str
    • Unique ID of model evaluation.
  • step: str
    • Step name.
  • total: int
    • Total number of Tasks under the Step.
  • index: int
    • Task index number, starting from 0.
  • dataset_uris: List[str]
    • List of Starwhale dataset URIs.


from starwhale import Context, PipelineHandler

def func():
ctx = Context.get_runtime_context()

class Example(PipelineHandler):

def predict(self, data: t.Dict):


@starwhale.api.service.api is a decorator that provides a simple Web Handler input definition based on Gradio for accepting external requests and returning inference results to the user when launching a Web Service with the swcli model serve command, enabling online evaluation.


import gradio
from starwhale.api.service import api

def predict_image(img):

@api(gradio.File(), gradio.Label())
def predict_view(file: t.Any) -> t.Any:
with open(, "rb") as f:
data = Image(, shape=(28, 28, 1))
_, prob = predict_image({"img": data})
return {i: p for i, p in enumerate(prob)}


If you want to customize the web service implementation, you can subclass Service and override the serve method.

class CustomService(Service):
def serve(self, addr: str, port: int, handler_list: t.List[str] = None) -> None:

svc = CustomService()

def handler(data):


  • Handlers added with PipelineHandler.add_api and the api decorator or Service.api can work together
  • If using a custom Service, you need to instantiate the custom Service class in the model

Custom Request and Response​

Request and Response are handler preprocessing and postprocessing classes for receiving user requests and returning results. They can be simply understood as pre and post logic for the handler.

Starwhale provides built-in Request implementations for Dataset types and Json Response. Users can also customize the logic as follows:

import typing as t

from starwhale.api.service import (

class CustomInput(Request):
def load(self, req: t.Any) -> t.Any:
return req

class CustomOutput(Response):
def __init__(self, prefix: str) -> None:
self.prefix = prefix

def dump(self, req: str) -> bytes:
return f"{self.prefix} {req}".encode("utf-8")

svc = Service()

@svc.api(request=CustomInput(), response=CustomOutput("hello"))
def foo(data: t.Any) -> t.Any: