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swcli runtime



The runtime command includes the following subcommands:

  • activate(actv)
  • build
  • copy(cp)
  • dockerize
  • extract
  • history
  • info
  • list(ls)
  • recover
  • remove(rm)
  • tag

swcli runtime activate​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime activate [OPTIONS] <RUNTIME>

Like source venv/bin/activate or conda activate xxx, runtime activate setups a new python environment according to the settings of the specified runtime. When the current shell is closed or switched to another one, you need to reactivate the runtime.RUNTIME is a Runtime URI.

If you want to quit the activated runtime environment, please run venv deactivate in the venv environment or conda deactivate in the conda environment.

The runtime activate command will build a Python isolated environment and download relevant Python packages according to the definition of the Starwhale runtime when activating the environment for the first time. This process may spend a lot of time.

swcli runtime build​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime build [OPTIONS]

The runtime build command can build a shareable and reproducible runtime environment suitable for ML/DL from various environments or runtime.yaml file.


  • Parameters related to runtime building methods:
-c or --condaNStringFind the corresponding conda environment by conda env name, export Python dependencies to generate Starwhale runtime.
-cp or --conda-prefixNStringFind the corresponding conda environment by conda env prefix path, export Python dependencies to generate Starwhale runtime.
-v or --venvNStringFind the corresponding venv environment by venv directory address, export Python dependencies to generate Starwhale runtime.
-s or --shellNStringExport Python dependencies according to current shell environment to generate Starwhale runtime.
-y or --yamlNruntime.yaml in cwd directoryBuild Starwhale runtime according to user-defined runtime.yaml.
-d or --dockerNStringUse the docker image as Starwhale runtime.

The parameters for runtime building methods are mutually exclusive, only one method can be specified. If not specified, it will use --yaml method to read runtime.yaml in cwd directory to build Starwhale runtime.

  • Other parameters:
--project or -pNGlobalStringDefault projectProject URI
-del or --disable-env-lockNruntime.yaml modeBooleanFalseWhether to install dependencies in runtime.yaml and lock the version information of related dependencies. The dependencies will be locked by default.
-nc or --no-cacheNruntime.yaml modeBooleanFalseWhether to delete the isolated environment and install related dependencies from scratch. By default dependencies will be installed in the existing isolated environment.
--cudaNconda/venv/shell modeChoice[11.3/11.4/11.5/11.6/11.7/]CUDA version, CUDA will not be used by default.
--cudnnNconda/venv/shell modeChoice[8/]cuDNN version, cuDNN will not be used by default.
--archNconda/venv/shell modeChoice[amd64/arm64/noarch]noarchArchitecture
-dpo or --dump-pip-optionsNGlobalBooleanFalseDump pip config options from the ~/.pip/pip.conf file.
-dcc or --dump-condarcNGlobalBooleanFalseDump conda config from the ~/.condarc file.
-t or --tagNGlobalStringRuntime tags, the option can be used multiple times.

Examples for Starwhale Runtime building​

#- from runtime.yaml:
swcli runtime build # use the current directory as the workdir and use the default runtime.yaml file
swcli runtime build -y example/pytorch/runtime.yaml # use example/pytorch/runtime.yaml as the runtime.yaml file
swcli runtime build --yaml runtime.yaml # use runtime.yaml at the current directory as the runtime.yaml file
swcli runtime build --tag tag1 --tag tag2

#- from conda name:
swcli runtime build -c pytorch # lock pytorch conda environment and use `pytorch` as the runtime name
swcli runtime build --conda pytorch --name pytorch-runtime # use `pytorch-runtime` as the runtime name
swcli runtime build --conda pytorch --cuda 11.4 # specify the cuda version
swcli runtime build --conda pytorch --arch noarch # specify the system architecture

#- from conda prefix path:
swcli runtime build --conda-prefix /home/starwhale/anaconda3/envs/pytorch # get conda prefix path by `conda info --envs` command

#- from venv prefix path:
swcli runtime build -v /home/starwhale/.virtualenvs/pytorch
swcli runtime build --venv /home/starwhale/.local/share/virtualenvs/pytorch --arch amd64

#- from docker image:
swcli runtime build --docker pytorch/pytorch:1.9.0-cuda11.1-cudnn8-runtime # use the docker image as the runtime directly

#- from shell:
swcli runtime build -s --cuda 11.4 --cudnn 8 # specify the cuda and cudnn version
swcli runtime build --shell --name pytorch-runtime # lock the current shell environment and use `pytorch-runtime` as the runtime name

swcli runtime copy​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime copy [OPTIONS] <SRC> <DEST>

runtime copy copies from SRC to DEST. SRC and DEST are both Runtime URIs.

When copying Starwhale Runtime, all custom user-defined labels will be copied by default. You can use the --ignore-tag parameter to ignore certain labels. In addition, the latest and ^v\d+$ labels are built-in Starwhale system labels that are only used within the instance itself and will not be copied to other instances.

--force or -fNBooleanFalseIf true, DEST will be overwritten if it exists. In addition, if the labels carried during duplication have already been used by other versions, this parameter can be used to forcibly update the labels to this version.
-i or --ignore-tagNStringIgnore tags to copy. The option can be used multiple times.

Examples for Starwhale Runtime copy​

#- copy cloud instance(pre-k8s) mnist project's mnist-cloud runtime to local project(myproject) with a new runtime name 'mnist-local'
swcli runtime cp cloud://pre-k8s/project/mnist/mnist-cloud/version/ge3tkylgha2tenrtmftdgyjzni3dayq local/project/myproject/mnist-local

#- copy cloud instance(pre-k8s) mnist project's mnist-cloud runtime to local default project(self) with the cloud instance runtime name 'mnist-cloud'
swcli runtime cp cloud://pre-k8s/project/runtime/mnist/mnist-cloud/version/ge3tkylgha2tenrtmftdgyjzni3dayq .

#- copy cloud instance(pre-k8s) mnist project's mnist-cloud runtime to local project(myproject) with the cloud instance runtime name 'mnist-cloud'
swcli runtime cp cloud://pre-k8s/project/mnist/mnist-cloud/version/ge3tkylgha2tenrtmftdgyjzni3dayq . -dlp myproject

#- copy cloud instance(pre-k8s) mnist project's mnist-cloud runtime to local default project(self) with a runtime name 'mnist-local'
swcli runtime cp cloud://pre-k8s/project/runtime/mnist/mnist-cloud/version/ge3tkylgha2tenrtmftdgyjzni3dayq mnist-local

#- copy cloud instance(pre-k8s) mnist project's mnist-cloud runtime to local project(myproject) with a runtime name 'mnist-local'
swcli runtime cp cloud://pre-k8s/project/mnist/mnist-cloud/version/ge3tkylgha2tenrtmftdgyjzni3dayq mnist-local -dlp myproject

#- copy standalone instance(local) default project(self)'s mnist-local runtime to cloud instance(pre-k8s) mnist project with a new runtime name 'mnist-cloud'
swcli runtime cp mnist-local/version/latest cloud://pre-k8s/project/mnist/mnist-cloud

#- copy standalone instance(local) default project(self)'s mnist-local runtime to cloud instance(pre-k8s) mnist project with standalone instance runtime name 'mnist-local'
swcli runtime cp mnist-local/version/latest cloud://pre-k8s/project/mnist

#- copy standalone instance(local) default project(self)'s mnist-local runtime to cloud instance(pre-k8s) mnist project without 'cloud://' prefix
swcli runtime cp mnist-local/version/latest pre-k8s/project/mnist

#- copy standalone instance(local) project(myproject)'s mnist-local runtime to cloud instance(pre-k8s) mnist project with standalone instance runtime name 'mnist-local'
swcli runtime cp local/project/myproject/runtime/mnist-local/version/latest cloud://pre-k8s/project/mnist

#- copy without some tags
swcli runtime cp pytorch cloud:// --ignore-tag t1

swcli runtime dockerize​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime dockerize [OPTIONS] <RUNTIME>

runtime dockerize generates a docker image based on the specified runtime. Starwhale uses docker buildx to create the image. Docker 19.03 or later is required to run this command.

RUNTIME is a Runtime URI.

--tag or -tNStringThe tag of the docker image. This option can be repeated multiple times.
--pushNBooleanFalseIf true, push the image to the docker registry
--platformNStringamd64The target platform,can be either amd64 or arm64. This option can be repeated multiple times to create a multi-platform image.

Here is the English translation:

swcli runtime extract​

swcli [Global Options] runtime extract [Options] <RUNTIME>

Starwhale runtimes use the compressed packages to distribute. The runtime extract command can be used to extract the runtime package for further customization and modification.

--force or -fNBooleanFalseWhether to delete and re-extract if there is already an extracted Starwhale runtime in the target directory.
--target-dirNStringCustom extraction directory. If not specified, it will be extracted to the default Starwhale runtime workdir. The command log will show the directory location.

swcli runtime history​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime history [OPTIONS] <RUNTIME>

runtime history outputs all history versions of the specified Starwhale Runtime.

RUNTIME is a Runtime URI.

--fullnameNBooleanFalseShow the full version name. Only the first 12 characters are shown if this option is false.

swcli runtime info​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime info [OPTIONS] <RUNTIME>

runtime info outputs detailed information about a specified Starwhale Runtime version.

RUNTIME is a Runtime URI.

--output-filter or -ofNChoice of [basic/runtime_yaml/manifest/lock/all]basicFilter the output content. Only standalone instance supports this option.

Examples for Starwhale Runtime info​

swcli runtime info pytorch # show basic info from the latest version of runtime
swcli runtime info pytorch/version/v0 # show basic info
swcli runtime info pytorch/version/v0 --output-filter basic # show basic info
swcli runtime info pytorch/version/v1 -of runtime_yaml # show runtime.yaml content
swcli runtime info pytorch/version/v1 -of lock # show auto lock file content
swcli runtime info pytorch/version/v1 -of manifest # show _manifest.yaml content
swcli runtime info pytorch/version/v1 -of all # show all info of the runtime

swcli runtime list​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime list [OPTIONS]

runtime list shows all Starwhale Runtimes.

--projectNStringThe URI of the project to list. Use the default project if not specified.
--fullnameNBooleanFalseShow the full version name. Only the first 12 characters are shown if this option is false.
--show-removed or -srNBooleanFalseIf true, include runtimes that are removed but not garbage collected.
--pageNInteger1The starting page number. Server and cloud instances only.
--sizeNInteger20The number of items in one page. Server and cloud instances only.
--filter or -flNStringShow only Starwhale Runtimes that match specified filters. This option can be used multiple times in one command.
nameKey-ValueThe name prefix of runtimes--filter name=pytorch
ownerKey-ValueThe runtime owner name--filter owner=starwhale
latestFlagIf specified, it shows only the latest version.--filter latest

swcli runtime recover​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime recover [OPTIONS] <RUNTIME>

runtime recover can recover previously removed Starwhale Runtimes or versions.

RUNTIME is a Runtime URI. If the version part of the URI is omitted, all removed versions are recovered.

Garbage-collected Starwhale Runtimes or versions can not be recovered, as well as those are removed with the --force option.

--force or -fNBooleanFalseIf true, overwrite the Starwhale Runtime or version with the same name or version id.

swcli runtime remove​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime remove [OPTIONS] <RUNTIME>

runtime remove removes the specified Starwhale Runtime or version.

RUNTIME is a Runtime URI. If the version part of the URI is omitted, all versions are removed.

Removed Starwhale Runtimes or versions can be recovered by swcli runtime recover before garbage collection. Use the -- force option to persistently remove a Starwhale Runtime or version.

Removed Starwhale Runtimes or versions can be listed by swcli runtime list --show-removed.

--force or -fNBooleanFalseIf true, persistently delete the Starwhale Runtime or version. It can not be recovered.

swcli runtime tag​

swcli [GLOBAL OPTIONS] runtime tag [OPTIONS] <RUNTIME> [TAGS]...

runtime tag attaches a tag to a specified Starwhale Runtime version. At the same time, tag command also supports list and remove tags. The tag can be used in a runtime URI instead of the version id.

RUNTIME is a Runtime URI.

Each runtime version can have any number of tags, but duplicated tag names are not allowed in the same runtime.

runtime tag only works for the Standalone Instance.

--remove or -rNBooleanFalseRemove the tag if true
--quiet or -qNBooleanFalseIgnore errors, for example, removing tags that do not exist.
--force-add or -fNBooleanFalseWhen adding labels to server/cloud instances, if the label is already used by another runtime version, an error will be prompted. In this case, you can force an update using the --force-add parameter.

Examples for runtime tag​

#- list tags of the pytorch runtime
swcli runtime tag pytorch

#- add tags for the pytorch runtime
swcli runtime tag mnist t1 t2
swcli runtime tag cloud:// t1 --force-add
swcli runtime tag mnist t1 --quiet

#- remove tags for the pytorch runtime
swcli runtime tag mnist -r t1 t2
swcli runtime tag cloud:// --remove t1