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Version: 0.6.9

Install Starwhale Server with Minikube


Starting Minikube​

minikube start --addons ingress

For users in the mainland of China, please run the following commands:

minikube start --kubernetes-version=1.25.3

minikube addons enable ingress --images="KubeWebhookCertgenPatch=ingress-nginx/kube-webhook-certgen:v20231011-8b53cabe0,KubeWebhookCertgenCreate=ingress-nginx/kube-webhook-certgen:v20231011-8b53cabe0,IngressController=ingress-nginx/controller:v1.9.4"

The docker registry currently only caches the images for Kubernetes 1.25.3. Another choice, you can also use Aliyun mirror:

minikube start --image-mirror-country=cn

minikube addons enable ingress --images="KubeWebhookCertgenPatch=kube-webhook-certgen:v20231011-8b53cabe0,KubeWebhookCertgenCreate=kube-webhook-certgen:v20231011-8b53cabe0,IngressController=nginx-ingress-controller:v1.9.4" --registries=",,"

If there is no kubectl bin in your machine, you may use minikube kubectl or alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --" alias command.

Installing Starwhale Server​

helm repo add starwhale
helm repo update
helm pull starwhale/starwhale --untar --untardir ./charts

helm upgrade --install starwhale ./charts/starwhale -n starwhale --create-namespace -f ./charts/starwhale/

For users in the mainland of China, use

helm upgrade --install starwhale ./charts/starwhale -n starwhale --create-namespace -f ./charts/starwhale/

After the installation is successful, the following prompt message appears:

    Release "starwhale" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: starwhale
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Feb 14 16:25:03 2023
NAMESPACE: starwhale
STATUS: deployed
Chart Name: starwhale
Chart Version: 0.5.6
App Version: latest
Starwhale Image:
- server:

- visit: http://controller.starwhale.svc
- web visit: http://minio.starwhale.svc
- admin visit: http://minio-admin.starwhale.svc
- port-forward:
- run: kubectl port-forward --namespace starwhale svc/mysql 3306:3306
- visit: mysql -h -P 3306 -ustarwhale -pstarwhale
Please run the following command for the domains searching:
echo "$(sudo minikube ip) controller.starwhale.svc minio.starwhale.svc minio-admin.starwhale.svc " | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Login Info:
- starwhale: u:starwhale, p:abcd1234
- minio admin: u:minioadmin, p:minioadmin

*_* Enjoy to use Starwhale Platform. *_*

Checking Starwhale Server status​

Keep checking the minikube service status until all deployments are running(waiting for 3~5 mins):

kubectl get deployments -n starwhale

Visiting for local​

Make the Starwhale controller accessible locally with the following command:

echo "$(sudo minikube ip) controller.starwhale.svc minio.starwhale.svc  minio-admin.starwhale.svc " | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Then you can visit http://controller.starwhale.svc in your local web browser.

Visiting for others​

  • Step 1: in the Starwhale Server machine

    for temporary use with socat command:

    # install socat at first, ref:
    sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:80,fork,reuseaddr,bind= TCP4:`minikube ip`:80

    When you kill the socat process, the share access will be blocked. iptables maybe a better choice for long-term use.

  • Step 2: in the other machines

    # for macOSX or Linux environment, run the command in the shell.
    echo ${your_machine_ip} controller.starwhale.svc minio.starwhale.svc minio-admin.starwhale.svc " | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

    # for Windows environment, run the command in the PowerShell with administrator permission.
    Add-Content -Path C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -Value "`n${your_machine_ip} controller.starwhale.svc minio.starwhale.svc minio-admin.starwhale.svc"