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Version: 0.6.11


Standalone Instance is installed on the user's laptop or development server, providing isolation at the level of Linux/macOX users. Users can install the Starwhale Python package using the pip command and execute any swcli command. After that, they can view their Starwhale configuration in ~/.config/starwhale/config.yaml. In the vast majority of cases, users do not need to manually modify the config.yaml file.

The ~/.config/starwhale/config.yaml file has permissions set to 0o600 to ensure security, as it contains sensitive information such as encryption keys. Users are advised not to change the file permissions.You could customize your swcli by swci config edit:

swcli config edit

config.yaml example​

The typical config.yaml file is as follows:

  • The default instance is local.
  • cloud-cn/cloud-k8s/pre-k8s are the server/cloud instances, local is the standalone instance.
  • The local storage root directory for the Standalone Instance is set to /home/liutianwei/.starwhale.
current_instance: local
sw_token: ${TOKEN}
type: cloud
updated_at: 2022-09-28 18:41:05 CST
user_name: starwhale
user_role: normal
sw_token: ${TOKEN}
type: cloud
updated_at: 2022-09-19 16:10:01 CST
user_name: starwhale
user_role: normal
current_project: self
type: standalone
updated_at: 2022-06-09 16:14:02 CST
uri: local
user_name: liutianwei
sw_token: ${TOKEN}
type: cloud
updated_at: 2022-09-19 18:06:50 CST
user_name: starwhale
user_role: normal
- ak: starwhale
bucket: users
connect_timeout: 10.0
read_timeout: 100.0
sk: starwhale
type: s3
root: /home/liutianwei/.starwhale
version: '2.0'

config.yaml definition​

ParameterDescriptionTypeDefault ValueRequired
current_instanceThe name of the default instance to use. It is usually set using the swcli instance select command.StringselfYes
instancesManaged instances, including Standalone, Server and Cloud Instances. There must be at least one Standalone Instance named "local" and one or more Server/Cloud Instances. You can log in to a new instance with swcli instance login and log out from an instance with swcli instance logout.DictStandalone Instance named "local"Yes
instances.{instance-alias-name}.sw_tokenLogin token for Server/Cloud Instances. It is only effective for Server/Cloud Instances. Subsequent swcli operations on Server/Cloud Instances will use this token. Note that tokens have an expiration time, typically set to one month, which can be configured within the Server/Cloud Instance.StringCloud - Yes, Standalone - No
instances.{instance-alias-name}.typeType of the instance, currently can only be "cloud" or "standalone".Choice[string]Yes
instances.{instance-alias-name}.uriFor Server/Cloud Instances, the URI is an http/https address. For Standalone Instances, the URI is set to "local".StringYes
instances.{instance-alias-name}.user_nameUser's nameStringYes
instances.{instance-alias-name}.current_projectDefault Project under the current instance. It will be used to fill the "project" field in the URI representation by default. You can set it using the swcli project select command.StringYes
instances.{instance-alias-name}.user_roleUser's role.StringnormalYes
instances.{instance-alias-name}.updated_atThe last updated time for this instance configuration.Time format stringYes
storageSettings related to local storage.DictYes
storage.rootThe root directory for Standalone Instance's local storage. Typically, if there is insufficient space in the home directory and you manually move data files to another location, you can modify this field.String~/.starwhaleYes
versionThe version of config.yaml, currently only supports 2.0.String2.0Yes

You could put starwhale.Link to your assets while the URI in the Link could be whatever(only s3 like or http is implemented) you need, such as s3:// However, Links may need to be authed, you could config the auth info in link_auths.

- type: s3
ak: starwhale
bucket: users
region: local
connect_timeout: 10.0
read_timeout: 100.0
sk: starwhale

Items in link_auths will match the uri in Links automatically. s3 typed link_auth matching Links by looking up bucket and endpoint.