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Version: 0.5.12

About the .swignore file

The .swignore file is similar to .gitignore, .dockerignore, and other files used to define ignored files or dirs. The .swignore files mainly used in the Starwhale Model building process. By default, the swcli model build command or Python SDK will traverse all files in the specified directory and automatically exclude certain known files or directories that are not suitable for inclusion in the model package.


  • Each line in a swignore file specifies a pattern, which matches files and directories.
  • A blank line matches no files, so it can serve as a separator for readability.
  • An asterisk * matches anything except a slash.
  • A line starting with # serves as a comment.
  • Support wildcard expression, for example: *.jpg, .png.

Auto Ingored files or dirs​

If you want to include the auto ingored files or dirs, you can add --add-all for swcli model build command.

  • __pycache__/
  • *.py[cod]
  • *$py.class
  • venv installation dir
  • conda installation dir


Here is the .swignore file used in the MNIST example:
